Whistleblower In Federal Protection As Trump Tweets

According to some reports, the Whistleblower who’s complaint has led to President Trump’s impeachment inquiry may testify as early as this Friday. But until then? S/he wants federal protection – and they’re getting it. All of it stems from a tweet – and comments – made by the President last week.

As we told you before, the President made not-so-vague references to “what used to happen to spies,” which was death, and has referred to the Whistleblower and whomever s/he spoke with as being “close to a spy.” According to the Whistleblower’s attorneys, a $50-thousand “bounty” has been issued by someone for information on the Whistleblower’s identity.

The fact that President Trump took to Twitter again over the weekend lighting off about the situation didn’t likely help matters – as it relates to allaying their concerns. Among other things, Trump wrote that he deserves to meet his accuser and accused the whistleblower of a "totally inaccurate and fraudulent" representation of a perfectly normal conversation with a foreign leader. He also said the person who gave the whistleblower that information may have been spying on the President and could face "Big Consequences."

Source: CBS News

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