Man Volunteers At Nursing Nome In His Wife's Honor

Jerry Schneider, a 92-year old living in Riverdale, New York spends his time volunteering at a local nursing home. While he admits it's different for someone his age to volunteer at the senior community – but the residents love it.

His inspiration? Jerry wanted to honor his late wife request. She moved to Hebrew Home in 2007 after being diagnosed with cancer. “I would see her every day and wheel her around,” he tells CBS News. “We used to see a lot of lonely people and my wife said, 'You know, later on, you ought to volunteer.”

A few years after his wife passing, Jerry signed up to work there. He visits and chats with designated residents once a week. And aside from being a man of his word, the activity has also created great friendships. “This gives me a little extra life," he explains. "I am meeting people here, talking. Otherwise, I'd have no one to talk to at home. I mean, I look at myself, and I say, 'If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.”

Source: CBS News

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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