Hoboken's SantaCon Got Ugly Fast

This weekend was Hoboken SantaCon 2018 in New Jersey… and it didn’t take very long for things to get ugly. According to Hoboken Police Chief Ken Ferrante, the first arrest of the day went down at just 1pm, kicking off a day of boozy debauchery that would land 14 people dressed in Santa garb on the naughty list… and in handcuffs.

On Twitter, Ferrante added that the first booking was a 22-year-old, charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Apparently, the “over-intoxicated male” was mad that Biggie’s on Newark Street wouldn’t let him in, and decided to take it out on some officers.

Yesterday, Ferrante recapped authorities’ workload for the rest of SantaCon, which included responding to “429 calls for service, up from 282 last year,” and “33 summonses issued this year, compared to 52 last year.” A few officers were injured in the chaos, though they were later treated and returned to work.

The good news is that arrests are actually down from last year. Although it’s worth noting that less bars reportedly participated in the festivities, only 10, down from 30 in 2017. There were 14 arrests this year compared to last year’s 17.

Source: NJ.com

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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