Taxes Generated From Legal Pot Sales Could Save the MTA

According to a report issued by the Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management, the MTA could be fixed if New York State legalizes recreational marijuana.

The report published in The New York Post claims that sales of recreational pot would generate between $248 and $677 million dollars in revenue for the state.

Mitchell Moss, the director of the Rudin Center said, "New Yorkers deserve a subway system that is as productive as they are. It is time for New York to legalize and tax cannabis-and designate the revenues for mass transit."

The report states that the legal pot industry in North America generated $9.2 billion dollars in 2017 and that dollar amount could go as high as $47.3 billion dollars in the next 10-years.

10 states and Washington D.C. have reported "higher than expected tax revenues" from the sale of marijuana.

The New York State Health Department has already come out for the legalization of recreational marijuana.

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