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New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is fighting for another term in office.
He’s locked in a bitter re-election battle with Republican Bob Hugin, who has accused Menendez of being corrupt and ran campaign ads that said the Senator was investigated for sleeping with underage prostitutes.
Menendez responded to the ad by calling Hugin a “slime ball.”
A Quinnipiac University poll out on Monday showed Menendez with a 15 point lead in the race. However, previous polls showed it was a much closer contest and Hugin claims his internal polls indicate he’s ahead by a couple of points.
There are several other key races in New Jersey that could help determine control of the House of Representatives. Six-term Republican Leonard Lance is in a tight race with Democrat and former President Obama staffer Tom Malinowski. In the 11th House District, Democrat Mikie Sherrill and Republican Jay Webber are battling for the open congressional seat.
Polls in New Jersey are open until 8 p.m.