Jimmy Kimmel/Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Montage

New York congressional candidate, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, was on Jimmy Kimmel Live this week and had a lot of like, things to say.

During the interview, she said “like” 11 times, “yeah” 20 times, and “for sure” three times. 

She was telling a story about how she met a couple at a Cracker Barrel who supported her health care plan "She was like, yeah, no, my husband is a, is a, is a huge fan of yours. So I said, okay. We’re chatting. We’re in the Cracker Barrel, so there this motion-activated thing behind me that's, like, singing 'Jingle Bells' and Christmas songs.”

Thanks to the website called news.grabien.com we have a montage! CLICK HERE to check it out.

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