New York Fixes Name of Verrazzano Bridge

Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed legislation to correct the spelling of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge.

“The Verrazzano Bridge is a vital transportation artery for millions of Staten Island and Brooklyn residents,” Governor Cuomo said in a statement.  “We are correcting this decades-old misspelling out of respect to the legacy of the explorer and to New York’s heritage.”

For decades, the bridge was misspelled as Verrazano, with one “z.”  The bridge was named after Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, whose name has two “z’s.”

Advocates for this won’t cost any additional money because new signs with the correct spelling will be installed during the normal replacement process.

"Unfortunately, the name of this historic bridge has been spelled wrong for decades, and out of respect for simple correctness, should be fixed. Our new law does exactly this at no cost to the taxpayers,” Senator Marty Golden said in a statement.

Photo Credit:  Getty Images

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