Schumer Calls for Vote on Gun Measures

In the aftermath of the March for Our Lives rallies across the United States, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling for a vote on tougher gun control measures.

“I am demanding that leader (Mitch) McConnell put those bills on the floor of the Senate and that Speaker (Paul) Ryan put those bills on the floor of the House and let the American people speak,” Schumer said.

The measures include tougher background checks and an assault weapons ban.  He wants the bill on the floor by April.

“The NRA represents a small minority, but it has a stranglehold on Leader McConnell, on Speaker Ryan, and if they were simply to let the bills come to the floor they would pass,” Schumer said.

Schumer’s comments come after the massive marches around the country on Saturday.  Students from Parkland, Florida rallied in Washington, D.C. calling for tougher gun control laws.  There were rallies in several other cities as well, including New York.

Photo Credit:  Getty Images

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