Photo: AFP
A recent survey by the website WordTips ranked the states in order of which ones curse the most- and found that New York ranks a paltry 17th. That news may make you drop whatever is in your hand at the moment and scream, “That can’t ^!*&@$#@ be right!” but apparently it is. The folks at WordTips analyzed the language used in over 1.7 million tweets posted on X to draw their conclusions. That survey left many New Yorkers saying… well, we can’t tell you what they said, but let’s just say that, considering some of the people you hear on the subway every day, New York should have cracked the top three easily. WOR street reporter Natalie Migliore headed to Times Square for 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program to find out if New Yorkers gave a %*$!@ about that ranking.
It's not as though New Yorkers have a shortage of things to curse about. One woman gave Migliore a look that said, “Are you %#%^$@ kidding me?” before rattling off a list for Berman and Larry Mendte, sitting in for Riedel. “Let me see- the rats, the subway, lack of parking in the outer boroughs, overpriced rent- definitely, now that’s something to curse about- and overpriced food.” A man said having no money sets him off. “A lot of people can’t take care of their families like they used to. That’s what I’ve been seeing. Anybody I ask for a couple of dollars, they say they ain’t got no money. Everybody used to have money in New York.”
It turns out Maryland has the worst case of potty-mouth in the country, so Migliore asked people if they knew why that might be the case. One woman thought there is a logical reason for this: “It’s close to D.C.- that’s probably something to curse a lot about, the way government is run.” Another woman could barely hide her surprise as she giggled, “A country state like that? No way-oh my God! I’m gonna call up my family members that live in Maryland and I’m gonna say, do you have the sailor’s mouth!” Still another woman had a response that probably made people say, “Oh ^%#*,” when she opined, “It could be all the inbreds. My best friend lives in Maryland, and he curses up a storm when we call each other.”
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