In an attempt to downplay criticism Thursday that the media are coddling her, Vice-President Kamala Harris took a few questions from pool reporters and declared that she plans to do a press conference “before the end of the month.” At the same time, former President Donald Trump held a lengthy press conference at Mar-a-Lago and responded to a steady stream of questions from reporters. Fox News Contributor Joe Concha says there is no comparison as to which candidate is the media darling. Speaking on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program, Concha laid out how Harris has not been held accountable for her policies and philosophies by the media.
“Donald Trump took 42 questions during that press conference yesterday; that’s 42 more than Kamala Harris has taken during any press conference,” Concha told Berman and Riedel. “And think about this for a second- Kamala Harris has not done a press conference. You say, ‘Well, Vice-Presidents don’t do press conferences’- no, actually, they do. Mike Pence did multiple press conferences during his time in office. And now, as a Presidential candidate, we’re now almost three weeks in since she’s became the Democratic nominee, and she took maybe four questions yesterday, and they were all about Donald Trump or JD Vance, and she only took questions for a minute.”
Concha doubled down on accountability, stressing it’s what’s sorely lacking in the media treatment of Harris, but there may be one place where Harris can’t run and hide. “Here you have Kamala Harris, who is, let’s face it, all foam and no beer. The one question I would ask her first is, ‘What have you accomplished as Vice-President?’ I think it’s a pretty fair one. This is a very close race still, and again it comes down to those swing states, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, and I still don’t see her resonating with voters there. She may be resonating with voters on the coasts and voters that are die-hard Democrats who watch MSNBC and CNN, but I still think that this is a dogfight that’s gonna come down to the debates, and that’s everything, guys, the debates.”
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