NYCHA Tenants Plunged Into Polar Vortex Without Heat

The scandal-ridden New York City Housing Authority has left over 10,000 residents without heat or hot water today as the Polar Vortex sends temperatures and wind chills down to record lows.

According to the New York Post the heat and hot water cut out at 6:00 am in four of the city's public housing developments leaving tenants scrambling to find relief in public warming centers.

The NYCHA freezing four include 5,421 residents of the Wagner and Metro-North Plaza Developments in East Harlem. In the Bronx, 4,857 tenants of the Castle Hill development and another 100 people in the Sackwern houses.

NYCHA which was recently voted the worst landlord in New York City hopes that today's meeting between Housing Secretary Ben Carson, the Manhattan federal prosecutors, and City Hall will come up with a plan to revamp the decrepit living conditions and poor management of the facilities.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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