Borelli Tells Washington "Enough's Enough" with the Migrant Crisis Handling

Photo: Getty Images North America

The migrant crisis continues to overwhelm New York’s budget and neighborhoods, as Mayor Eric Adams says it will cost the city $12 billion to house them over the next few years. New York City Councilman Joe Borelli (R-51st) appeared before the House Homeland Security Committee last week to let Congressional leaders know how much of a drain the migrant situation will be on city coffers is nothing is done. Speaking on 710 WOR’s Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the Morning program, he continues to insist we need to think outside the box before we get to the breaking point.

“Lo and behold, we are spending more in the next fiscal year in New York City than the entire budget of Mississippi to house and shelter migrants,” Borelli told Riedel and newsman Larry Mendte, sitting in for Berman. “I just think the rubber is finally starting to meet the road. I think you’re seeing some movement from Mayor Adams, going now to a 30-day eviction. Whether that actually results in people getting removed from shelters is to be determined, but just the fact that they’re in court and they’re trying to implement the 30-day eviction is a good sign for those of us who have a little bit of sympathy for these people, but enough’s enough.”

Borelli contends the move to house migrants at Floyd Bennett Field sets precedent for the federal government to provide housing elsewhere. “The federal government should be our partner in this, sending these people to federal bases and federal parks all over the country. Philadelphia has national parks; Baltimore has national parks. All of the elected leaders of these cities have virtue-signaled that they declared themselves sanctuaries, so let’s call them on their bluff and let’s see how they like it.”

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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