Obsessed Fan Sues Yankees’ Brett Gardner For Stadium Access

The life of a professional athlete isn’t always cash, groupies, and accolades. But then, it can come with serious personal drama…just ask New York Yankees outfielder Brett Gardner. He’s just been sued by a female fan who genuinely appears to be out of her freaking mind.

Gardner has filed for a restraining order against 46-year old Gina Devasahayam, and wants her kept away from him, his family,and out of all ballparks. Gina, on the other hand, is suing Gardner,the Yankees, and Major League baseball after being booted from a few different stadiums for trying to sneak in to visit her “future husband.”

Devasahayam claims Gardner is sending “sexual signs” to her from the playing field and in legal docs, has listed few of the ways she claims Gardner’s saying he’s warm for her form:

  • There’s a video of Gardner in the dugout where he “motions with his hip on the stairs as though he is having sexual intercourse with me.”
  • She claims he makes a “sad face” during games when she’s not there.
  • As for her attention, she says that “Brett desires this” after “three years of online romancing.”
  • Apparently, Gardner was once tossed from a game by an umpire who “likely received ‘signals’ from her social media that she was angry with the outfielder.”

At one point, Gina was told by a reporter that the main man of her dreams was married. She was apparently “unmoved,” said it was of “no importance,” and began speculating on the state of that marriage. In other words, she’s out of her mind…allegedly.


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