Bill On School Bus Safety Is Approved by NY State Senate

Legislation to harshly punish drivers who speed past stopped school buses was unanimously passed by the New York State Senate. The bill, once approved by the Assembly and finalized with Governor Cuomo's signature will up the minimum fine from $250 TO $350.

New York State Transportation Committee Chair Tim Kennedy told the New York Post, "No schedule is so important to keep endangering the welfare of our children by passing a stopped school bus."

Kennedy added, "The videos that are out there today are petrifying. Drivers are putting children at risk by failing to wait, in some cases a few extra seconds, to get to their destinations."

Throughout the state of New York, more than 2.3 million kids ride yellow school buses every day.

Also included in the legislation are amendments that would create a school bus safety council and a bus driver education section.

A bill that authorizes school districts to ads stops arm cameras to school buses will be passed later this session.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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